Sunday, September 16, 2012


ok so the contest is... Tell us your favorite memory with your best friend! Seriously it can be any memory you have...Good or bad!

Watermelon face mask

Watermelon Yogurt Facial Mask

Mix 1 teaspoon watermelon juice with 1 teaspoon plain Greek Yogurt.
The lactic acid and enzymes in the yogurt will help gently exfoliate and purify while the watermelon hydrates and heals. Apply the mask to your face and neck for 10 minutes before rinsing off.
(Source: The Beauty Bean)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hey, this website belongs, obviously to two girls. Our names are Lauren and Mason. We created this site because we wanted to have fun and see what other BFFs do for fun! Mason and I do everything together. We see movies together, hang out, meet up at the park, and watch each other's sport's games. You can post anything on this site as long as it isn't insulting to us or anybody else. We will block you so that you can't be on this site anymore.  If you decide you like this site, follow it! It won't even cost you any money!!!

Thanks, and Post often!
-Lauren and Mason